Author: Bcopy

Our First Robotics Challenge at CERN IdeaSquare

We've held our first Raspbuggy Robotics programming competition at the CERN IdeaSquare innovation space, with great success and invaluable support from the IdeaSquare team and the CERN Micro Club.

What do you get when you gather fifteen enthusiastic engineers and physicists and give them a very fun Robotics challenge to complete ?

Powering Issues

With all the existing options on the market to control DC motors, collect inputs, drive outputs, power the whole thing in a standard 5 volts, you would think to controlling a 4WD model car chassis is a no-brainer. Well, I must be missing something.

A Lego Mindstorm Hardware Layer

The Raspbuggy platform is destined to be an open educational programming platform. It is designed to adapt to a large array of hardware layers, so that it can evolve through time.

In order to cope with different hardware platforms, it relies on a hardware abstraction layer called "Drivar".